National Primary Route 25 Traffic Counts

Sources: TII Traffic Data and now-defunct NRA Traffic Count Data. More counters.


The N25 covers a long distance and has several busy stretches. The biggest ones are New Ross, Waterford and Cork. New Ross's last figure, from 2005, showed nearly 20,000 vpd crossing the town's single river bridge. Waterford's Rice Bridge, which also carries local town traffic, peaked above 40,000 by 2007. The 2009 opening of the town bypass wouldn't take all the traffic away from this, especially since the bypass is tolled, but 2010 saw an 8% decline on the bridge.

The East Cork area, counted at Carrigtwohill, Tullagreine and Little Island, increases west to east from 35k to 50+. Upgrades are planned to grade-separate the junctions, which are clearly badly needed.

Show notes on counter locations

Rosslare N25-1 : N25 immediately east of Kilrane
Carrigbyrne N25-10 : N25 east of Ballynabola
NewRossBr N25-13A : N25 on New Ross Bridge
Glenmore N25-13B : N25 East of N25/29 junction
Waterford Bypass East N25-1a : N25 Waterford Bypass East at Killapsey
EdRiceBridge N25-16A : N25 On Edmund Rice Bridge
Waterford Bypass West N25-2a : N25 Waterford Bypass West at Kilmeaden
Dungarvan N25-25 : N25 1km west of N25/N72 junction
Carrigtohill N25-40 : N25 at Cork city end of Carrigtohill Bypass
Tullagreine N25-41A : N25 western side of Tullegrenna interchange
LittleIsland N25-41B : N25 western side of Littleisland interchange