National Primary Route 20

Status : To be completed

M20 Motorway Logo


Opened : 2001 - 2031

Motorway : 9.5 km (90 km by 2031)
Dual Carriageway (some undivided) : 7.7 km
Single Carriageway (some undivided) : 77.8 km (0 km by 2031)

The N20 connects Ireland's second largest city with its third largest - Cork to Limerick. In the 2000s, when major upgrades of all trunk roads in Ireland were planned, this road suffered the unfortunate distinction of being, along with the N18 and the N9, the national primary route serving a city that was in most need of urgent attention. However, the M9 and M18 have replaced those other roads, but still the N20 has not been improved.

The road starts on the quaysides of the River Lee in Cork City, following city streets out of the city. An urban bypass of the suburb of Blackpool opened in April 2001, linking to the dual carriageway that runs as far as Blarney with its much-kissed stone. From here, some parts of the road are in a 2+1 lane configuration, a rare sight in Ireland. This takes the motorist as far as Mallow, which is not, incidentally, located in a marsh. The upgrade of this section of the route will mainly consist of widening the existing road, since it is already up to a high standard.

Sadly the existing route goes steeply downhill in quality after this. Mile after mile follows of poor quality, winding road which could only be described as a country lane. This goes on for nearly 40 kilometres, passing through a bona fide chicane at Buttevant, the scattered town of Charleville, and countless small villages with bizarre names like Lackanalooha, Garrycummer, Imphrick, Shinanagh, Knockaunavoddig and Newtwopothouse. The motorway replacement will be like stepping directly from the 19th to the 21st centuries.

Finally, the Croom bypass is reached. In 2001 a grade-separated single carriageway road (rare in Ireland) opened which will form the basis of an upgrade in the future. From here, it's a short hop to the N21/M20 junction and the motorway up to Limerick. This section opened as dual carriageway in July 2001 and was redesignated motorway in August 2009. It is Y-shaped with the M20 coming south from Limerick, then splitting with the N21 continuing southwest and the N20 veering south. At the point where the M20 reaches the M7 Limerick Southern Ring Road, there is a large freeflow junction.

The entire route from the M20/N21 junction south to Cork will be replaced with a proposed M20 motorway. This has been cancelled and reactivated many times but as of 2018 it is back on and included in the new National Development Plan. It is anticipated to start construction in 2023 and open to traffic in 2026. At the Cork end, a related project is the Cork Northern Ring Road, which will connect the new motorway from somewhere south of Blarney to north of Glanmire. It is likely that the remainder of the road into Cork city centre will be renumbered at that stage, so the M20 will finish at the M20/Cork Northern Ring Road junction.

Update 12/07/2019: The M20 from Limerick to Cork is at Feasibility Study. It is cautiously pencilled in for completion by 2027.

Update 22/11/2020: Route options have been published. These are mostly east of the existing N20. Options for the potential rail improvements are on page 8 and include an upgrade of the existing rail lines, and the building of short segments of new line to make a shorter route.

Update 05/10/2021: The following update was taken from the NDP accompanying documentation and is courtesy of
"The N20 road corridor options are currently being progressed with Public Transport (Rail) alternatives as comparators. The scheme is currently at Route Options Selection stage where all the road and rail options will be considered, with the preferred transport corridor expected to be announced by the end of 2021 [note: now expected Q1 2022]. Subsequent to this, work on scheme design and environmental evaluation will be undertaken, in addition to the scheme Business Case, which is required under the Public Spending Code (PSC). The scheme Business Case is expected to be submitted to DPER in early 2023. Subject to its approval, the submission of the statutory documents for the project to An Bord Pleanála (ABP) will follow thereafter."

Update 03/04/2022: The preferred route corridor for the M20 Limerick-Cork motorway has been announced. The details are on the official scheme web site. The document showing the maps is here. A TD has tweeted the announcement including a map of the proposed scheme.
The route corridor right now is 500 metres wide. Since only a small part of that will actually be required, even if the current route appears over a particular property this does not necessarily mean that the property will have to be acquired. The details of this will be worked out in future project phases.
A detailed description of the path the road will follow is here, reproduced from the scheme brochure:

"The preferred option commences just south of the Blarney junction and remains largely online to maximise the reuse of the N20 until it diverges eastward near Mourneabbey. Remaining to the east of the N20 it crosses the River Blackwater, the N72, the N73 and the River Awbeg as it bypasses to the east of Mallow and Buttevant until it converges with the existing N20 north of Buttevant. It then remains close to the N20 until it diverges westwards near Ballyhea, bypassing to the west of Charleville, before re-joining the N20 south of Croom. The preferred option reuses the N20 Croom Bypass and then diverges at Garranroe and runs west of the existing N20 until it reaches its tie in point with the existing M20/N21 at Attyflin."
Additionally the preferred option for the rail improvements between the two cities has been announced. The plan is to utilise the existing rail corridor but to eliminate the need to change trains at Limerick Junction and increase the linespeed. A missing movement will be added at the junction to allow trains to travel between Limerick and Cork without the need for passengers to disembark and change trains.
Separately there was a long term plan to double-track the Limerick to Limerick Junction segment but seemingly this work will not take place at this time.

Update 24/09/2023: The new motorway between Cork and Limerick is still expected to start construction in 2027 and be completed in 2031, and to cost north of €1 billion. It is also heartening to see the cost confirmed in the billion euro range, after it was erroneously stated by the Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan that the project could cost up to 3 billion.
The M20 will likely be the last motorway built in Ireland, or at least the last with a significant length. The exact start and end points are Patrickswell, Limerick and Blarney, Cork (with its famous stone), giving the new road a length of 75-80 km.

Update 01/12/2023: The future corridor of the M20 Limerick-Cork motorway has been refined, with the width now 200 metres. It will be further reduced next year. The location of interchanges for Mallow and Charleville is also being finalised now. It is expected that a planning application will be lodged by the end of 2024. The most recent timeline for construction is from 2027-2031. This new road is badly needed as with 17 fatalities between 2011 and 2018, that makes around 2 deaths a year and 4 serious injuries. The official announcement on all this is here.
Additionally there will be rail improvements:

Iarnrod Eireann has also been asked to consider a "no change hourly service" between both cities in an effort to improve rail links, which it is believed will increase demand for train transport to and from both locations.

All of this can be seen on the scheme website by clicking Interactive Mapping.

Update 27/02/2024: Preliminary business case for the motorway project is due to be submitted in late 2024. Here is more info.

Update 16/04/2024: Leo Varadkar resigned as Taoiseach recently and has been quickly replaced by Simon Harris who now takes over as Irish Prime Minister. He seems to be making his views on road investment clear with a pointed statement about how he urgently wants an update on the M20 Cork-Limerick motorway project, currently due to start construction in 2027. The Minister of Transport is from the Green Party and has expressed a lack of interest in building "big roads" so the Taoiseach is nailing his colours to the mast:

Mr Harris said he is a "big believer" in continued investment in the road network.
"I signed up to a Programme for Government that is anti-carbon, not anti-car; a Programme for Government that recognises that we all need to change how we live - we get that, we get the climate emergency, we absolutely need to continue to improve our public transport and I commend the work of Minister (Eamon) Ryan in relation to that but we also need to continue to invest in our road network," he told reporters.
"I'm very conscious of the fact that in the Department of Transport now, there are very many large capital projects and that is a good thing. I will certainly be seeking an urgent update in relation to the M20 and engaging with my colleagues here (in Limerick). I haven't had that opportunity yet to sit down and talk to Minister Ryan in relation to it but from the point of view of Fine Gael in government, continuing to invest in our road network."
The Taoiseach said such investment is important from a safety point of view but also in terms of the transition to electric-power vehicles. "Where are we going to put these electric vehicles? We do need to actually have good safe roads to put them on so I don't think it's a question of 'is it public transport or is it roads?' - It's a question of investing in our infrastructure overall."

The article also explains that the project is due to come before Cabinet by the end of the year and a planning application will be submitted thereafter.

Update 30/06/2024: A much anticipated M20 update has been put out by the government on the website.
This has been reported by the media, including this Irish Times article, but the Irish Independent piece confusingly makes it sound like the cycle lanes will be on the motorway, which of course would be against regulations (they will instead be on parallel routes that pass through the settlements served).
Here in full are the details that have been made public:

  1. Dual carriageway M20 motorway with a 120kph speed limit selected, following detailed appraisal of alternative road types. The M20 motorway will be five times safer than the current N20 single carriageway and reduces intercity journey times on average by 30 minutes.
  2. As the largest single active travel project to be undertaken in Ireland, the project will provide up to 100km of safe, shared active travel pathways connecting communities from Blarney to Patrickswell and encourage walking and cycling for work, school, and leisure, linking communities, promoting healthier lifestyles, and reducing transport emissions.
  3. The location of Transport Hubs identified for Rathduff, Mourneabbey, Mallow, Buttevant, Charleville, Bruree and Croom. These transport hubs will feature park & ride facilities for public transport, park & share, EV charging, and will be connected to local communities with the new active travel network.
  4. A Freight Hub in Mallow will provide facilities for parking, welfare and EV charging for heavy goods vehicles in accordance with European and National transport policies.
  5. The project will facilitate efficient public transport options, including the opportunity for quicker intercity express bus services and improved efficiency on existing bus services serving the communities between Cork and Limerick.
  6. To improve existing infrastructure, the project will utilise over 60% of the existing N20 road corridor for developing the dual carriageway motorway or reallocation of existing road space for the new active travel infrastructure.
  7. The project team continue to incorporate best practice for environmental, biodiversity and carbon management.
  8. To encourage sustainable transport choices, support Ireland's climate action plan, and to support the maintenance and renewal of the new transport infrastructure, the project team has recommended demand management measures. These measures include distance based barrier free tolling, whereby users pay on the basis of distance travelled on the new M20 motorway. Work is ongoing to determine appropriate toll charges for the various classes of vehicles, balancing a number of different factors, including the project objective to remove strategic traffic, especially heavy goods vehicles from the communities along the existing N20 to maximise safety and environmental benefits.
Note that previously the Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan stated that he intended to lower the standard to which this road would be built, making it a reduced width dual carriageway with lower standard junctions. It is now confirmed that this will thankfully not be the case.
The transport hubs are a welcome addition as they will provide a place for carpooling, EV charging and bus stops. The freight hub at Mallow with facilities for HGVs is a first for the country.
Normally active travel and public realm improvements in bypassed towns have to be undertaken by the relevant county council, so it is good news that these improvements will be made as part of the project on this occasion.
The reference to 60% of the existing corridor being reused refers to the fact that the Blarney-Mallow section and Croom bypass are already built in recent decades to a high standard and will simply be reformed into a motorway. Only the rest of the scheme will be a new offline build.
Barrier-free distance based tolling will be a first for this country. The M50 has barrier free tolling, but it is still single-point. Other motorways have multiple point tolling but it is never distance based. It has not been revealed what the toll rate per kilometre would be, though France charges €0.10/km. At this rate, the new 80 km of motorway would cost 8 euro to travel in full, a fair bit higher than other Irish motorways cost. The final design and "fence line" (showing the exact amount of land the new road will require) will be published at the end of this year. The planning application is expected in 2025 with construction following in 2027. All going according to plan, the road would then open in 2031 but it may be delivered sectionally.

The scheme website has made far more detailed information available on a different page. If you scroll to the bottom, you can find links to an overall scheme map, detailed design maps, and a promo video which seems to be the same as one they posted before.


Anonymous · Aug 6, 2024

Shocking they're rolling it and so expensive as well. Ireland pays the highest road tax I. Europe and now we're expected to pay this?!!!?

mod (mod) · Aug 11, 2024

@Anonymous, No tolling amounts have been announced, and road tolls are very cheap in Ireland. I'd need to see proof that we have the highest motor tax in Europe.

Andrew · June 29, 2024

I’d say the M20 should be one of our highest priorities, it’s shocking how it isn’t built yet! It would connect Cork not only to Limerick, but also Clare, Galway and Sligo.

jamie · Apr 16, 2023

Needs to be a motorway, not a dual carriageway.

Anonymous · Sept 24, 2022


Anonymous · Feb 24, 2024

@Anonymous, M20 and no such thing as N20(M,] WTF

Andrew · June 29, 2024

@Anonymous, N20(M) would only make sense if it was in the UK.

Jay · Aug 24, 2021

The N20 between Cork and Limerick is potentially the most dangerous road in the country with 4 times more fatal collisions than the national average. Routing the motorway via Cahir would not solve the problem as the N20 needs to be updated to motorway and connect the commuter towns of Mallow, Buttevant and Charleville to Cork and Limerick.

1. Theres more demand for college in those areas
2. It would greatly improve the accessibility for students to the city
3. It would make sense in a Cork to Galway context and boost tourism as its less miles and more smiles.
4. Less carbon emissions.
5. Area development of North Cork would mean potentially more demand for property and more demand to grow the local economy.

James · June 28, 2023

@Jay, took us over 4 hours to drive from Cork city to West Clare not so long ago bevause of tractors and other slow movers around Charleville. This should be a two-hour drive. Joining Cork to Limerick-Galway isn't something our Govt seem keen to do, however. Too expensive atm or too much potential competition to the capital city?

joined up thinking · Feb 3, 2021

Going via M8 offers:
1b€ v 3.3b€ capital expenditure
-->1b€ gives Cork to Limerick, Waterford to Limerick, Waterford to Cork and Waterford to Galway all by motorway
Negligible travel time differences (m20 v M24)
Transport 2040 goals met in fraction of the time and cost
Greater return on existing M8 investment
Greater regional access to motorway infrastructure
Goals can be achieved in steps (post Covid recession)
--> Limerick to Cahir (phase 1 500m€) Limerick to Cork achieved
--> Cahir to Waterford (phase 2 500m€)  Limerick to Waterford, Cork to Waterford and Waterford to Galway achieved

mod (mod) · Feb 3, 2021

@joined up thinking,
The N20 would still need major improvement - there is no getting away from that, and your idea would push all traffic coming in and out of Cork through the Dunkettle interchange east of Cork. This quite simply wouldn't work.

seangoshea · Feb 10, 2021

The Northern ring road has to be developed in Cork. This would take pressure off the tunnel and open up lands for development in the North side

Jonosan (mod) · Apr 1, 2024

@joined up thinking, The M20 has been costed at 1B not 3.3B. No idea where you got that from.

Mike · Feb 12, 2020

Going by the M8 to the N24 would be 30 miles longer. Who would go that way?

Tony · Jan 29, 2020

Why not join the M8 to Limerick better for all round cost, environment and speed of delivery?

mod (mod) · Jan 29, 2020

That idea was examined by the planning agency but ruled out because:
- It might cost less but the idea is to do it right, not cheaply. And in any case the existing N20 would still need improvement.
- Many of the environmental impacts of roads and traffic will be abated in the near future.
- Since planning is well underway on the N20 routing the fastest way to deliver would be to go with that instead of starting all over again with a new alignment.

Wayne Hester · Aug 5, 2019

At long last, enough of the Blarney! Get digging and save lives. I for one have endured this never-ending debacle of on and off and want this looong boring overdue project done once & for all. If I never got to drive it I would like to at least see significant construction knowing that my children's children will see the benefit.


Wikipedia page on this road

Pictures of this road (none yet)

Traffic Counts for this road


Origin St. Patrick's Hill and Merchants Quay, Cork
Terminates N24 Ballysimon Rd, Limerick
Places Served Cork, Blarney, Mallow, Croom, Limerick
Routes Spawned N21, N22, N72
Intersects N18, N7


Section km Opening Date Standard
Blackpool By-Pass 2.5 2001-04-20 D2AP
Patrickswell to Limerick 9.5 2001-07-12 M (from 2009-08-28)
Limerick to Cork 83 2031 M

MAP OF M20 :