N60 Castlerea to Tulsk

Could open : 2025 Status : Not planned
N60 Road Logo


Single Carriageway : 12.7 km

The N60 is a poor quality, winding road from Roscommon to Castlebar. Traffic from Dublin heading to N60 destinations should use an upgraded N5 as far as Bellangare west of Tulsk and divert to a new routing for the N60 to Castlerea. This greatly improves access to Dublin and N4 destinations for traffic originating at the far end of the N60 such as Ballyhaunis and Claremorris. The rest of the N60 (Castlerea-Roscommon) should be downgraded.

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Wikipedia page on this road


Origin N5 near Ballangare
Terminates N60 at Castlerea
Places Served -
Routes Spawned -
Intersects -

MAP OF N60 :